Owner and publisher
Address and registered head office
E. Schoepf GmbH
Rathausstraße 18
95236 Stammbach
T +49 925680 0
F +43 925680 72
Chairman of the Advisory Board
Martin Frick
Authorised representatives
Director of E. Schoepf GmbH
Jochen Rieger
Obligation to provide information
Obligation to provide information in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Obligation to provide information in accordance with Section 55 of the RStV Interstate Treaty on
Broadcasting and Telemedia (news, company brochure)
VAT ID number
DE 324005450
Commercial register/companies register number
HRB 47
Court responsible for the commercial register/companies register
Hof district court
Applicable legislation and respective links
* General reference,
Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) Regulation (EU) 524/2013 on online dispute resolution (ODR) for consumer disputes
* The European Commission has established an online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform). This platform can be accessed at
* E. Schoepf GmbH is a subsidiary of Getzner Textil AG –
Other Getzner Textil AG subsidiaries
* TFE Textil GmbH, Bludenz Austria –
* WR Weberei Russikon AG, Russikon, Switzerland –
* Getzner Textil Handel GmbH, Lustenau, Austria –
* Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH, Gera, Germany –
* Herbert Kneitz GmbH, Bad Mitterndorf, Austria –
Responsible as per the definitions in press law
E. Schoepf GmbH
Rathausstraße 18
95236 Stammbach
T +49 925680 0
F +49 925680 72
Responsible in accordance with Section 55 (2) of the RStV Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemedia (Germany); i.e. editorial responsibility:
Jochen Rieger
Company Management
Rathausstraße 18
95236 Stammbach
Concept, web design and realisation
WMS Medien & Sales Promotion
Rehdorfer Straße 10a
D-90431 Nürnberg
Copyrighted contents:
Image rights
E. Schoepf GmbH
Legal information
Copyright, trademark and similar property rights
All contents on this website are protected by copyright. All texts, images, graphics, audio material, animations and videos are protected by German copyright as well as other applicable protective measures in that country. The contents may not be copied, disseminated, changed or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. The contents may not be used in any way; specifically, they may not be stored in databases, copied, disseminated, processed or commercially exploited or passed on to third parties in any way – including excerpts thereof or in an edited form – without the permission of the website operator or copyright owner.
Terms and conditions of use, guarantees, liability for contents and links
Users use this website at their own risk. We cannot warrant the permanent availability nor the accuracy, completeness and fitness for purpose of the articles, offers or services published on this website. This warranty is based on the legal regulations of Germany. We shall not be liable for any damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this website.
The use of our online presence does not constitute a contractual relationship between the user and E. Schoepf GmbH. The information provided on this website is of a general nature and is merely designed to introduce our products and services to interested internet users. We shall not be liable for any decisions the user makes on the bases of this information.
We make every effort to operate this website and the services associated with this website with the aspects of utmost diligence, reliability and availability in mind. However, for technical reasons, these services may not be available without interruption, the connections requested may not be available at all times or any data saved may not be saved at all times regardless of the circumstances. Therefore, we cannot warrant permanent availability. IP connectivity to other network operators takes place within the scope of the respective possibilities.
We shall not be liable for any problems caused by third party operated networks. The use of other networks is subject to the terms and conditions of use of the respective operators. Force majeure, strikes, limited services by other network operators or repair and maintenance work may lead to restrictions or interruptions. We shall not be liable for the resulting non-availability.
With respect to links to further online offers, we shall not be liable for the contents, fitness for purpose and availability of these linked websites. This also applies to all other direct or indirect references or links to third party websites. E. Schoepf GmbH expressly distances itself from any illegal or immoral contents on the linked websites.
Links to this website are welcome, provided they are designed as an external link in a separate browser window. The main window may not be included in a frame of the website that is referencing the link. Should a website we have referred to with a link contain illegal contents, we would please ask you to notify us of this circumstance so we can immediately remove the respective link.
Applicable law
Without exception, our company is subject to German law. Without exception, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes shall be the respectively responsible local court where the respective head office of E. Schoepf GmbH is located.
Data privacy
The protection of your personally identifiable information is extremely important to E. Schoepf GmbH. If you have any concerns with regard to data privacy, please contact the data protection coordinator.
You can find the contact details as well as more details about how we protect your data by clicking on the following link: Data privacy policy
Status: October 2021